Customized TRAINING

Data interpretation and modelling courses usually involve the use of Tensor Research's Model Vision software, for which DIP Geosciences is a representative for the Americas.

DIP Geosciences combines industry with academia. Thus, it can offer customized training programs that cover the fundamental theory of geophysical methods, as well as their geological application, and the usually ardous road from data to geology. There is no single software that can do everything, but Hernan has experience moving data between systems as well as finding the necessary workarounds.

Hernan has extensive teaching and training experience, and has given training programs to mining companies and geological surveys worldwide.

Tensor Research
Model Vision

The above images show some of the work that Hernan has been working on for the creation of synthetic models of realistic geological scenarios, and their expected geophysical response. There is a lot that can be learned from synthetic modelling, and that's why this is usually included in Hernan's training courses.